Happy People by Pixi - Papirværk

Collection: Happy People by Pixi

The artist behind 'Happy People by Pixi' is Tine Holmsted. Tine finds inspiration in everyday people, those she meets and has met throughout her life, and she is preoccupied with creating stories with her works. Each person that Tine develops has a unique story with them.

Artistic inspiration

Tine has always been interested in making up stories about people. When she was a child, it was schoolmates, their parents and the teachers. As a youngster, she amused herself by observing others in the nightlife and making up stories for their lives. As a Danish teacher, she has tried to get her students to invent person galleries in preparation for writing stories.

Happy People

When a picture is painted, the story comes by itself…
Tine mostly works with markers and watercolor paints on Japanese paper, but also uses mixed media.